Sunday 16 May 2010

ღ What A Good Weekend ღ

Today I slept until afternoon!!!
Feel so FULL!!!

Then have a lunch+breakfast with my mom^^
After that went back to the home,
read newspaper with my mom.

Finished those daily things,
I help my hair to do a treatment~^^
Make my hair look more nicely~

I do that for 30minutes something^^
While I waiting the time pass,
I help my mom massage^^

Around 4pm++my darling calling me,
and said that he is on the way going back to home.
Then I ended the call,prepare my things.

I went out to my darling house,that is 5.15pm!
I check the time before I start my car~

I arrived my darling house around 6.00pm something.
Wait for him prepare his things.
Having and so...

Then we jz go and take the motocycle that repairing.
He ride motor and I drive my car~
Pick him up at somewhere of Seri Kembangan...

Done all the things,
my darling fetch me go to JUSCO and buy my things^^


This is what I bought....^^

The FILE for my SKM assignment^^
The Magazine I bought it,just because of my favourite IDOL 【S.H.E】

This 2 I bough it for my hair and my dry skin...

The another is for my table...
Make it clean^^
Have a look here..
Before and AFTER

Then we go have a drink section with our friends.
Back home at 11.30pm~

Then blogging~^^

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