Saturday 22 May 2010

ღ MV ღ

I had been a long time din't create a MV.
Last week I had did it for my dearest friends and me.

I t was a good memorise for me...
In my whole life~♥

It's really really precious for me!!!
Although it is just few months~♥
But I'm so happy and was my honored to know all of you guys.

Ex-specially to
✿Nichole LXN
✿Joyce YHS
✿Charmen CKM
✿Zennix TYJ

Boys and girls,thanks to being my friends.
Thanks for gave me a wonderful IATA course life.
That was the most wonderful and happy study life in my whole life,I'm sure.
When I dint catch up what did the lecturer teach,
all of you will teaching me and explain to me.
Celebrate birthday for each other.
Group study together.
Hang out together.
Gossip in the class.
And too much we had been spent with...

Love you,guys~♥
Really Really Love you all~♥

Here is the graduation MV that I made it.
Will be another MV coming soon~♥

1 comment:

  1. xian^.^ ~ frog23 May 2010 at 01:01

    hahaha.... look like got my name woh !!! XD
