Saturday 8 May 2010

ღ Disappointed ღ

Today I wake up around 8something,
Cause today I hv a photo shoot section!!

The themes was a wedding themes,and I can wear gown...
My lovely wedding gown!!!!
I love wedding gown not mean that I wish to get marry A.S.A.P~
I just love the design,cutting,so and so!

I call my mom,ask my mom accompany me to take a part that.
Who knows my mom say tonight got dinner,
uncle wanna celebrate Mother's Day!!!!!!!!!

I don't know about this!!!!!
My mom ask my call to my daddy ask about this.
I called to him,
I really disappointed and unhappy!!!!

At that moment,I really feel my tears was coming out!!!!
My daddy said If I really want to take a part of that,
ask my mom come back early,and I have to take bus to the IOI shopping complex by myself!!!!!
Cz he need car frm my mom to fetch ppl!!!!

Why they never come here and fetch ppl???
Where all the times is we picking up ppl???
What for we do that???
And they never said THANKS YOU to us!!!!

[We are a family,need to help each other.]

I agree with that,but I never felt that!!!!
I'm not rich like yourS!!!!
So what????
At least I have a lots of truth friends beside me!!!!
I have my darling beside me!!!!
I have happiness!!!!
Did you have??
I don't think so!!!!

I really wish to shoot this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel like wanna cry already...
Full of Disappointed!!!!!!!!


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