Wednesday 9 June 2010

ღ Monday ღ

This Monday really happy leh!!!!

As a normal school day,
wake up in the early morning,cook breakfast for me and uncle.
After go to school and my uncle go to work.

I am the first student reach the class,
I pick up my paper and go to library for revision.
Preparing my test....

Honestly,my test was suck like hell!!!!!!!!!
Those question I cant answer nicely!!!
Even the question need how to answer also have no ideal!!!!
Really suck!!!!

I think I better do more revision with it!!!
Improve my skills!!!!
Stupid WMY!!!

After that having lunch with my honey babe at Reggea Bar.
The food from there taste so nice and the price not so expensive during happy hour section.
Rm9.50 per person only!!!!!
We feel so FULL of it!!!!

Finished our lunch time,
of cause going to continue study!!!

My classmate doing slide,
but I am doing my SKM Files.
Cause I have to double check the answer is it correct.

4pm something Nicole and me going back together.
We take KTM together,but both of us was too tired.
The stupid KTM stop for a long long time still dun wan run.....
Make me grumpy.......==

Somemore we have to go to KL SENTRAL station 1st,
change platform 4....stupid lah!!!!
Suddenly change like it.....aisk....

Reached Serdang station, change to MINI BUS....
Been a long long time dint saw this cute bus already.
Only RM0.80 per passenger!!!!!
No matter your destination where is it...

My boy picking up me at the petronas station...
Love my boy so so much^^

Waiting my boy...
But I was fall a sleep in his room.
Too tired...

My boy so good also..dint wake me up^^
Let me sleep a while...
Around 9pm something,I just wake up.
I jz realise my boy was waiting me..hahahaha...

I quickly wake up and preparing everything.
Then we go to Pasar Malam to enjoy our dinner^^

What a sweet sweet day with it^^

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