Sunday 28 September 2014

☆ 蒸蛋糕 - 粟米小蛋糕 Sweet Corn Cake ☆


**** 此帖分为中英文版, 英文请往下拉

鸡蛋                   4 粒
砂糖                   150g 
自发面粉             250g (过筛)
粟米粒罐头          200g
牛油                   80g (融化)

1. 把鸡蛋和砂糖打至浓稠,加入粟米粒,用刮刀拌匀。
2. 加入已经过筛的自发面粉拌匀,最后拌入牛油液,搅拌均匀。
3. 倒入蛋糕模型里,填至8或9分满,大火蒸15-20分钟,即可。

4            Eggs
150g      Sugar
250g      Self-rising flour (Sieving it)
200g      Canned corn kernels
80g        Butter (Melted)

1. Use blender to beat the eggs and sugar until thick. Add corn kernels, using scraper to mix it well.
2. Put in have sifted self-rising flour and mix it. Last, mix well with melted butter.
3. Pour batter to the prepared mold and steam on high heat for about 25-30 mins (change to medium high heat after 10 mins) (please make sure there is enough water in the steamer)

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