Sunday 28 September 2014

☆ 蒸蛋糕 - 无油双色美录蛋糕 Oil-free Milo steam egg cake ☆


**** 此帖分为中英文版, 英文请往下拉

鸡蛋                   5 粒
幼糖                  200g
低筋面粉            150g (过筛)
美录                  3 汤匙
香草精华            1 茶匙

1. 把鸡蛋和幼糖打至浓稠及松白的蛋糊。
2. 分3次或以上加入已经过筛的面粉,用刮刀轻轻拌匀。
3. 把蛋糊分为两份。一份加入美录粉拌匀;一份加入香草精华拌匀。
4. 先倒入一份milo面糊,把面糊用刮刀铺平,放进锅里,以大火蒸大约10分钟。
5. 再倒入一份原味面糊,铺平后再放入锅里蒸,一样大火蒸10分钟。
6. 轮流把同样的步骤完成,最后一层须蒸上45分钟左右。可以用筷子/牙签/蛋糕测试针叉进去,拔出的时候没有沾上面糊就是代表熟了。(如果不熟,可以继续蒸5-10分钟左右)
7. 蛋糕蒸好后,凉了就可以脱模了。

5           Eggs
200g      Sugar
150g      Low protein flour
3 tbs      Milo Powder
1 tsp      Vanilla Essence

1. Use blender to beat the eggs and sugar until thick. 
2. Sifted flour divided into three portions or more, and using scraper to mix gently with egg batter.
3. Pour the mixture into 2 portions. Make it 1 portion as ORIGINAL FLAVOR "mix well with vanilla essence", another 1 portion as MILO FLAVOR "mix well with milo powder"
4. Choose ORI or MILO of flavor batter into the cake mold and paved it with scraper, into the pot over high heat for about 10 minutes. "this will be your first layer"
5. Then pour another taste of batter, put it back to the pot over high heat for about 10 minutes.
6. Continuously rotating the same steps, the last layer must be steamed 45 minutes. (Use a toothpick into the middle, if come out clean, the cake is done)  (please make sure there is enough water in the steamer)
7. After steaming the cake, and let cool on it stripped.

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