Friday 9 December 2011

♥ Make Up Tools Updated ♥

Hi there ~
It's me again, Yah~
Update twice in a same day, hahahah~

Yes, I know~
I'm crazy, I knew it~
No need to say it again to me~

I'm going to let you all take a look my make up tools
It's a bit messy 
Just forgive it

Don't want to talk so much here ~
Just show you all what my tools 

Here we go ~♥
[♥ Make Up Tools Updated ♥]


For those sample pack of BB CREAM 
I get it during 2011 BEAUTY FARES which is located at KLCC

Sexylook BB FOUNDATIONS i will fully SUPPORT all of you to try it,
Not Because I sell this, It's because really nice to use,
Our face / skin looks more natural, more healty, more smooth

I might be show you all the different with those bb cream / foundations

For more informations of my bb cream please visit below:


This is my MAC eyeshadow colours 
I bought it for 1yr ago
Cost around RM200-RM400
I can't remember clearly, since it too long ago > <

Some of the color were BREAK already~
Cause of my careless....
I drop it on the floor > <

Quite useful for me, cause I can try different color and get a different look


This is other eye shadows with me ^ ^

Actually I like the ELIANTO with white bottle quite,
The color were particularly bright, and especially flash ~
Usually I will use it when I'm going to attend and dinner ^ ^

This 2 eye shadows, I bought it at SASA, The mines ~
For  1 1/2years ago~
I think the cost is around RM19.90-RM25.90 for per unit

The left 1, usually I use it as a base for my eyelid
will apply it on my dark circle to cover it~
This color were natural than other concealer and easy to apply~

The right 1, Cause of my careless too...

Usually I just apply some on my eyelid for my natural / daily make up when I still in collage

This 2 color were awesome!!!!
I bought it in BEAUTY FARE, which is KOREAN counter~
It's cost RM15-RM20 per unit during the fares

This is my first time to use and buy V.O.V product,
But surprising is
I like the color and "bling bling"

The left 1 a bit like CREAM~
If I go to PUB or CLUBBING, I will put it on my eyelid as a base color ^^
The right 1 just like normal eye shadow, like.....POWDER~
Use to lit up my bone brown .


This all I was bought it for few years ago~
Long time dint use it, so...I just ignore it and don't want to talk so much with it~

Except for the FARMASI glitter eye liner
Sure you have to get 1 in as your make up tool~

My observation is
You just draw some / apply a little on your down eyelashes as a liner
Your eye will increases immediately


This is my eye liner > <

Grey color is ELIANTO 
Cost RM14.90-RM18.90 per unit~
Normally I will buy it during their OFFER
It's liquid with glitters
I love > bling bling <

Then the white color pen is CANMAKE cream eyeliner~
Cost RM24.90-RM39.90 per unit~
I choose the white with glitters
[Yah..I know...glitter again = =]
I use it to draw as a down eyeliner~
Make sure my eye become bigger and bigger 

The black with gilver line is eyeliner pencil+gel
Cost RM20.00 per unit
I did sell it...strongly water proof and the quality same as gel~
even it's look like pencil~

The other 2 pencil liner, I dint use it for 3-4years ago ><
Not good to use , and easy to get BLOOMING

The the gold cover is MAJORLICA liquid eyeliner~
Cost RM35.90-RM49.90 per unit~
Water proof strongly, but easy to dissapear > <
Can't long lasting for halfday / 24hrs

The last 1 is MAYBELINE gel eyeliner~
Cost RM39.90-RM49.90 per unit~
Come with worry~
Will recommend you all buy other brush, 
this is not really good to draw > <

For more informations of my eyeliner please visit below:


This is my MASCARA and my LIPGLOSS

The white LIPGLOSS actually is only glitter~
Which mean just apply it on our lip, 
will become more shinning and moisture 
It's SEXYLOOK product I sell it~
Cost RM28.00-RM30.00 per unit

The pink LIPGLOSS it's my new color^^
I found it at beauty fare V.O.V counter too~
But this is brand of BAVIPHAT, which is from korea
Cost RM25-RM39 per unit 

The black 1 is MASCARA,
my aunt bought for me at TAIWAN~
Quite nice!!!! Length+VOLUME!!!
Cost RM??, not sure~hahaha~

Cost RM45.90

For more informations of my Sexylook Lipgloss please visit below:


Eyebrow tools.....

IANTI is frm KOREA, but now they closed already ><
ESTEE LAUDER, color a bit hard to draw~
Like candle = =
Somemore, Hard to control for me....
Can't draw out the nicely shape....
Don't like it~
Cost RM59.90-RM89.90

Empro, got 6type different color for choosing~
And quite easy to control for the new girl^^
Their shop located at MIDVALLEY, SUNGAI WANG
But now you all can buy it at every WATSONS outlets ^^
Cost is cost RM38.80

They do selling refills... No need to spend another RM38.80 to buy a new 1!
The refills only cost RM15.80++
Worth it!!!
It's available in INDONESIA too^^

You all may place your order here


This is the FAKE LASHES GLUE that I'm using~

The EYEPUT TI is my favourite~
But hard to found it @@

The EYE CHARM not really good to use for me~
Not really sticky....easy to fall down@@

The FIX a bit special, the glue color I bought is BLACK~
Lazy to draw eyeliner what~hahaha
But don't really like to use it ><


This is the powder 

The right 1 is ,KATE
I choose without GLITTER, cause my face enough FAT @@
Cost RM45.90-RM59.90 per unit~

The left 1 is, NATURE
From Taiwan, and got whitening, maintenance too^^
Cost RM43.90-RM59.90 per unit~


This all is OTHER FACE powder

CEZANNE quite nice to use , frm JAPAN
cost RM39.00-RM59.90 per unit

Elianto....not so good ><

IN2IT...too white for me~
But can me hold long lasting for the make up><
Cost RM25.90-RM39.90 new product from KOREA~
Looks natural and smooth too~
Love it ><
Cost RM55.00-RM79.90

For more informations of my SKIN79 FACE POWDERplease visit below:

~ DONE ~


Any comment you may leave down 
I will read it ^^

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